Air Superiority CFT Support

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Joined: 23 Jan 2018, 17:16

by juliennsingh » 08 Aug 2018, 15:57

Core Function Team (CFT) Support Responsibilities

JCIDS Support - support and assist with efforts to translate weapon system requirements into documented studies and analyses. This will include providing technical and analytical assistance to assess weapon system capabilities and translate system requirements into resource evaluation and documentation products.

• Shall provide technical and analytical support to track and analyze trends, user requirements, and other key issues and assist in development of critical documentation to support system resource requirements
• Shall provide technical and analytical support to assess capability requirements, associated capability gaps and risks, and facilitate fielding of capability solutions.

• Shall conduct analyses in support of the development, validation, and coordination of HQ ACC requirements documents such as Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), Capability Development Document (CDD), Operational Capability Description Document (OCDD), and Capability Production Document (CPD).

Planning, Programming, Budget and Execution (PPBE) Support -Shall provide support to effectively plan, program, budget, and execute resource requirements. Assist in performing capabilities, program, and cost analyses for new and modified systems to include managing, developing, and analyzing resource documentation for the core A5/8/9 mission in support of program execution. This includes building and defending 4-Star decision data via the USAF Strategic Planning Process and directly influencing the POM process once those planning decisions are made.

• Shall maintain broad technical and analytical resource proficiency to efficiently translate weapon system and CFT force structure portfolio requirements into documented resource reports. This will require maintaining a close interface with a wide range of users, developers, industry, Air Staff, and other agencies as required to ensure resource development efforts are aligned with Nat’l Military Strategy, Defense Planning Guidance and other HQ USAF directives. The Contractor is expected to utilize analytical skills and tools to mitigate CFT portfolio operational combat risk by helping to develop force structure options out 25 years+. This includes addressing combat risk in force structure and weapons.
• Shall assist in evaluating system capabilities and program cost effectiveness according to fiscal parameters and measurements. This will include assessing costs for accuracy and reasonableness and identifying potential alternatives.
• Shall monitor and analyze funding execution to ensure consistent and proper resource alignment among projects. This includes working with HQ ACC organizations and maintaining databases necessary to prepare the A5/8/9 Fiscal Year Execution Plan, Initial Distribution, budget execution, maintain management internal controls, and monitor obligations/expenditures within funded programs.

• Shall assist with cost, schedule, technical, and performance assessments and develop briefings and background papers to identify potential impacts and proposed courses of action.

Studies, Analysis, and Reports Support: Shall assist and support efforts to accomplish studies, technical analysis, and reports. These efforts will provide information necessary to determine capability gaps, inefficiencies, and ineffectiveness of capabilities to combat current threats within the A5/8/9 mission area.
• Shall assist with the development of studies, analyses, reports, etc. to inform the Requirements Generation, Strategic Planning, Programming, and Science & Technology process and identify and prioritize capability gaps and develop strategies toward defensible solutions.

• Shall assist with facilitating and integrating efforts of working groups and Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) to ensure consistency of data/information that is being developed.
• Shall support efforts to manage the development, coordination, approval, and maintenance of studies, analysis, and reports in support of overall mission.

- Seven (7) years rated operational F-15, F-16, F-22, or F-35 pilot experience (last flight within past 10 years)
- Secret clearance eligible for upgrade to Top Secret, SCI, and SAP
- 5th Gen or Next Generation Fighter Aircraft experience (Desired)
- Weapon School Graduate (Desired)
- JCIDS Requirements (or equivalent) experience (Desired)
- Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university;
- Five (5) years’ experience on USAF MAJCOM or higher Air Force level staff (combination of active duty, Government service, or Contractor).
- Five (5) years’ staff experience (combination of active duty, Government service, or Contractor) in operations, staff or working specific program or subject area of the specific A5/8/9 mission area being tasked

MR.Julien Singh
Managing Director
Crossroads Talent Solutions, LLC
Phone: 202-681-0324
Twitter: @CrossroadsTS @juliennsingh

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke

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