F-22 Crash at Eglin

Anything goes, as long as it is about the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor
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by retchief70 » 16 Oct 2021, 19:11

Couple of things stand out. No AIB because of "operational security concerns"? Couldn't that be said about almost any aircraft crash? What's so different about this one? Also, the pilot lost control of the aircraft several times yet "continued with the training mission"? If this is indeed true its both unbelievable and unforgivable. Surely he called an inflight emergency at that point and tried to recover to Eglin. As far as cause, and I speak as a former F-22 Wash Rack Supervisor. It sounds like a cover or covers weren't removed after the wash. The aircraft wasn't receiving correct data for attitude and/or airspeed. If that's the case that was missed by multiple sets of eyes.

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by charlielima223 » 24 Mar 2022, 15:27

Another landing gear related incident

https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your ... -at-eglin/

Johnson declined to comment on what caused the mishap or the damage incurred, citing an ongoing safety investigation.

F-22 landing gear woes are fairly common across the fleet.

An Air Combat Command inspection last year of the Raptors at Eglin, plus 10 percent of the fighters at other F-22 bases, found that at least one in five jets in the total F-22 inventory had an incorrectly rigged landing gear.

Nearly 40 F-22s were re-rigged because of that inspection, Air Force Times previously reported. The service owns nearly 190 Raptors.

Because 187 was "enough" and we never needed additional units to make up for attrition from non combat relatrd events


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