T.O. 1F-22A-1

Anything goes, as long as it is about the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor
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by skybravo » 13 Apr 2021, 17:22

This is not a Real Flight Manual, Just Some Collected information in Technical Order Format...


T.O. 1F-22A-1.pdf
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by f119doctor » 14 Apr 2021, 00:57

Definitely not a real Dash-1 for the F-22. The front cover looks real.....
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by ljqc » 03 Feb 2023, 04:42

Not a correct naming format for F-22A technical orders.

T.O. 1F-22AA-1/1F-22AA-1-1, Flight Manual—F-22A, 24 Jun 2009
T.O. 1F-22AC-34-1-1, Avionics and Non-Nuclear Weapons Delivery Manual—F-22A, 20 May

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by viperzerof-2 » 03 Feb 2023, 11:23

Didn’t a real F-22 manual appear on eBay a few years ago?

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