3000th Herk

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Joined: 13 Feb 2024, 22:11

by villaman » 14 Feb 2024, 20:06

Does any one know when the 3000th is planned to roll out of the factory. I think that it is later this year. Also who might it be going to?

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Joined: 23 Mar 2015, 14:16

by mekong68 » 15 Feb 2024, 13:51

Well, HC-130J # 5782 delivered in Jan 2016 was the 2500th. #5975 was just delivered 2 weeks ago, so approximately 193 more to go to reach the 3000 mark...not sure of the time line as I think things have slowed down a little bit on the production line. At least USAF is not purchasing big numbers like they were in the past.

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by villaman » 16 Feb 2024, 21:48

Yes, that was my bad. I was thinking CN # 6000 was the 3000th. I forgot about all of the numbers that were cancelled and not built. Do you have an idea which operator might be getting that air frame?

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Joined: 23 Mar 2015, 14:16

by mekong68 » 19 Feb 2024, 13:07

Who might get the 3000th? That's very hard to say, like I mentioned, that's 190+ tails away from today...hard to say what C-130 sales will look like etc. I know Big AF has some 20-30 on the books now but aside from that, it is a few here and there and it takes time to add up to 190+.

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